Custom Online Training Program

Custom Online Training Program

Sale Price:$250.00 every 4 weeks Original Price:$350.00 every 4 weeks

Ashley Hodge provides customized training program which includes private form checks and unlimited support via Everfit.IO (Free App)

Clients can track workouts, fitness targets, progress photos, and more with the Everfit mobile app including alerts when you hit new PRs!

Your customized program will be designed to suit your fitness goal, time restrictions, equipment availability, and exercise preferences, while also working around any injury limitations you may have.

Coaching clients must be familiar with compound lifts and have access to a commercial gym or well-equipped home gym that has a barbell, plates, variety of dumbbells, mini-bands, long bands, and an adjustable bench.


Submitting form check videos are required to receive immediate feedback regarding your form and suggested weights/reps to do for the following week

Please note that all purchases are final and non-refundable


Coaching & lifestyle changes are most effective when both parties are equally committed. My ask is that you make your goal a top priority and consistently communicate through this journey that we are about to take on, together.

How it works:

  • Once purchased, you will receive a Welcome email with an invite to access the all-inclusive Everfit.IO app and a comprehensive questionnaire that will help me create your custom training program. 

  • Because I am creating a training program  based on your answers from the questionnaire, please be thorough in your responses. 

  • Please allow [7] business days to receive your custom training program.

Please note that all purchases are final and non-refundable

If you've decided monthly coaching is not for you, please cancel before your subscription renews to avoid renewal billing. You can manage your subscription purchase accessing your account